Situation Reports State EOC

20200505 – 0800 State EOC SitRep

Here is the 8AM SITREP detailing State EOC Operations over the past 24 hours as of 0800 May 5, 2020.

For additional COVID-19 information, explore the ESF-5 Resource Portal and the following highlighted applications:


Dayton Fire Department Situation Reports

DFD COVID-19 Daily Report 20200505


PHDMC Situation Reports

PHDMC SitRep 2020505

May 5, 2020

Public Health – Dayton & Montgomery County, the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO) are closely monitoring an outbreak of respiratory illness caused by a novel (new) coronavirus (termed “COVID-19”) first identified in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China in December 2019 and which continues to expand


MMWR Flu Situation Reports

Flu Report – MMWR Week 17

Flu activity continues to decrease across the U.S. Please see the attached flu report for MMWR week 17. Influenza activity is low in Montgomery County and across WCO (no hospitalizations reported in week 17).

Note that emergency department indicators and thermometer sales data after week 9 are likely skewed due to COVID-19.

The number of hospitalizations reported for Ohio during week 17 was 24 – a 25% decrease from last week. Nationally, flu activity is decreasing, and laboratory-confirmed flu activity is low; ILI activity continues to decrease and is now below baseline.

The CDC estimates 39-56 million illnesses, 410,000-740,000 flu hospitalizations, 24,000-62,000 total flu deaths, and confirms 170 pediatric deaths so far this flu season.


Guidelines Law Enforcement Guidance and Informatioin Other Information Regional News

Criminal Justice Grants

Governor DeWine announced that nearly $16 million in grant funding is now available for local law enforcement agencies, probation and parole offices, local courts, victim service providers, and adult, juvenile, and community corrections agencies.

This funding was awarded to the Ohio Office of Criminal Justice Services (OCJS), a division of the Ohio Department of Public Safety, as part of the CARES Act and will support agencies in:

  • Taking measures to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 such as purchasing cleaning supplies and personal protective equipment
  • Taking measures to prepare for COVID-19 such as supporting proper planning, staffing, and communications to ensure effective operations and maintain the safety of criminal justice employees, citizens, and correctional populations
  • Taking measures to respond to the spread of COVID-19 such as medical visits, hospitalizations, purchasing medical supplies, and securing alternative housing

OCJS will accept applications on a continual basis while funding is available, and there is no cap. For more information, please visit

EMS Guidance and Information Guidelines Other Information Regional News

Tracking First Responder Staffing Issues

The Ohio Fire Chiefs’ State Emergency Response System and Ohio Division of EMS personnel are working to track first responder staffing issues throughout Ohio.

Please consider completing this simple survey at least weekly by 10:00 AM each Wednesday.

More frequent completion is preferred, especially if you have staffing shortages from pre COVID-19 levels. We would prefer only one submission per agency per day. Thank you for your continued dedication to Ohio’s fire and EMS services. It is our hope that you and your personnel remain safe and healthy as we work to meet the daily challenges of this pandemic together.

Situation Reports State EOC

20200504 – 0800 State EOC SitRep

Here is the 8AM SITREP detailing State EOC Operations over the past 24 hours as of 0800 May 4, 2020.

For additional COVID-19 information, explore the ESF-5 Resource Portal and the following highlighted applications:


Situation Reports State EOC

20200501 – 0800 State EOC SitRep

Here is the 8AM SITREP detailing State EOC Operations over the past 24 hours as of 0800 May 1, 2020.

For additional COVID-19 information, explore the ESF-5 Resource Portal and the following highlighted applications:


PHDMC Situation Reports

PHDMC SitRep 2020501

May 1, 2020

Public Health – Dayton & Montgomery County, the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO) are closely monitoring an outbreak of respiratory illness caused by a novel (new) coronavirus (termed “COVID-19”) first identified in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China in December 2019 and which continues to expand


Other Information Regional News

How Environmental Changes Impact Health Risk

(COLUMBUS, Ohio)—During today’s regular COVID-19 update, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine and Lt. Governor Jon Husted invited Mark Weir, Ph.D., an assistant professor of Environmental Health at The Ohio State University, to discuss how health risks change as changes are made to the environment.
