Situation Reports State EOC

20201125 – 0800 State EOC SitRep

Over the past 24 hours, the Ohio Department of Health reported 8,604 (371,908) total new cases, 29 (4,483) ICU admissions, 98 (6,118) deaths, and 364 (25,069) hospitalizations.

The State EOC is currently at Partial Activation as it continues to coordinate response to COVID-19. While the EOC is available for use by all Emergency Support Functions, ESFs 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 13, 14, and 15 will remain activated for the ongoing response.


EMS Guidance and Information Guidelines Regional News

COVID-19 Contingency Measures for Ohio EMS

To: Ohio EMS providers, EMS agencies, and EMS medical directors
From: Carol A. Cunningham, M.D., FAAEM, FAEMS
 State Medical Director
Date: November 25, 2020
RE:Legislated COVID-19 Contingency Measures for Ohio EMS

On November 23, 2020, Governor DeWine signed House Bill 151 into law.

As most of you are aware, healthcare facilities, including hospitals, are currently facing impactful manpower shortages due to the significant increase in patient hospitalizations paired with healthcare providers who are unable to work due to infection with or exposure to the COVID-19 virus.  Previously, emergency medical technicians, advanced emergency medical technicians, and paramedics functioning within a hospital setting were limited to the emergency department and to transport of patients from the emergency department to other areas within the hospital.  During this critical time of need, there is a need for assistance from all available certified Ohio EMS providers.  House Bill 151 now permits emergency medical responders, emergency medical technicians, advanced emergency medical technicians, and paramedics to perform emergency medical services in any setting, including in any area of a hospital, if the services are performed under the direction and supervision of one of the following:

  • A physician
  • A physician assistant designated by a physician
  • An advanced practice registered nurse designated by a physician

House Bill 151 also provides liability protection to Ohio EMS providers functioning in this role.  Specifically, an emergency medical responder, emergency medical technician, advanced emergency medical technician, and paramedic is not liable in damages in a civil action for injury, death, or loss to person or property resulting from the individual’s administration of emergency medical services, unless the services are administered in a manner that constitutes willful or wanton misconduct.

House Bill 151 will remain in effect until July 1, 2021.

Typically, EMS medical directors and most emergency physicians are well versed in the parameters within the Ohio EMS scope of practice.  However, this may not be the case with other healthcare providers or physicians who specialize in other medical specialties.  Each Ohio EMS provider is responsible for their individual Ohio EMS certification and to ensure that their actions are within the authorized Ohio EMS scope of practice for their respective level of certification.  If any healthcare provider requests the provision of emergency medical services that are beyond the Ohio EMS scope of practice, it is the responsibility of the Ohio EMS provider to decline to perform skills or provide services that are not authorized by the State Board of Emergency Medical, Fire, and Transportation Services.  The emergency medical services that have been authorized by the State Board of Emergency Medical, Fire, and Transportation Services are cited in the Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) as follows:

  • Emergency medical responder: OAC 4765-12-04

  • Emergency medical technician: OAC 4765-15-04

  • Advanced emergency medical technician: OAC 4765-16-04

  • Paramedic: OAC 4765-17-03

Once again, thank you for your dedicated service to the residents and visitors of the State of Ohio.  The value of EMS as a critical member of our emergency response networks and healthcare systems cannot be overstated, not just during this pandemic, but for each and every day.

Situation Reports State EOC

20201113 – 0800 State EOC SitRep

Over the past 24 hours, the Ohio Department of Health reported 7,101 (274,457) total new cases, 21 (4,143) ICU admissions, 35 (5,658) deaths, and 268 (21,558) hospitalizations.

The State EOC is currently at Partial Activation as it continues to coordinate response to COVID-19. While the EOC is available for use by all Emergency Support Functions, ESFs 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 13, 14, and
15 will remain activated for the ongoing response.


PHDMC Situation Reports

PHDMC SitRep 20201111

Public Health – Dayton & Montgomery County, the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO) continued to respond to the COVID-19 Pandemic.


Situation Reports State EOC

20201111 – 0800 State EOC SitRep

Over the past 24 hours, the Ohio Department of Health reported 6,508 (261,482) total new cases, 39 (4,086) ICU admissions, 23 (5,547) deaths, and 386 (21,037) hospitalizations.

The State EOC is currently at Partial Activation as it continues to coordinate response to COVID-19. While the EOC is available for use by all Emergency Support Functions, ESFs 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 13, 14, and
15 will remain activated for the ongoing response.


PHDMC Situation Reports

PHDMC SitRep 20201028

Public Health – Dayton & Montgomery County, the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO) continued to respond to the COVID-19 Pandemic.


Situation Reports State EOC

20201109 – 0800 State EOC SitRep


Dayton Fire Department Situation Reports

DFD Weekly Operations Report 20201108

First, for some good news (much needed).  Pfizer announced today that initial analysis of its vaccine which is currently in its Phase 3 trials may be showing an estimated 90% efficacy.  Though they have not yet completed their analysis, they anticipate reaching their desired threshold of cases soon and plan on petitioning for emergency use authorization by the FDA as soon as two months have passed since their first test subjects are two months post-vaccination.  This could mean they are able to apply for authorization around Thanksgiving.

Some additional good news, though cases are skyrocketing at the Local, State, and National level, deaths have not yet began to spike significantly.  Though they are again averaging approximately 1,000/day nationally, they are well below the 2,000-3,000 seen daily in late April/early May and are still trending slightly lower than the second wave in August.  That being said, this news must be viewed with some caution as the average elapsed time from infection to death ranges from 2-3 weeks, and as such should the accelerated growth we are currently see continue, we can anticipate mortality too as well especially as medical resources begin to become strained.

On the topic of case growth, the daily case growth rates continue to rise significantly.

Dayton/Montgomery County   1.51% (10/26 – 11/2)

Ohio                                                   1.40% (10/26 – 11/2)

United States                                   1.04% (11/3 – 11/8)

Should these trends continue, and not be mitigated by some external factors such as effective vaccination or new/reestablished social distancing policies from a Local, State, or National level, it is not a matter “If” but rather “When” the healthcare infrastructure begins to show signs of significant strain.  Take the below example:

Should Dayton/Montgomery County remain at a 1.25% daily case growth rate

By the end of February we could see a total of roughly 49,000 cases in the region

With a 1.00% observed mortality rate (1.39% currently in the region) that would mean roughly 490 deaths in Dayton/Montgomery County (we are currently at 193)

If just 20% of them were “active” on that day, that would mean 9,800 active cases in the region on a single day

If just 10% of those “active” cases required hospitalization, that would be 980 COVID-19 patients hospitalized in the region

If just 20% of hospitalized cases require ICU care, that would mean 196 ICU beds in the region being utilized for COVID-19 patients

Couple this data with the typical need for ICU capacity during the peak influenza season and area hospitals will very likely be in serious trouble.


Situation Reports State EOC

20201102 – 0800 State EOC SitRep

Over the past 24 hours, the Ohio Department of Health reported 3,303 (219,000) total new cases, 17 (3,876) ICU admissions, 2 (5,303) deaths, and 88 (19,220) hospitalizations.

The State EOC is currently at Partial Activation as it continues to coordinate response to COVID-19. While the EOC is available for use by all Emergency Support Functions, ESFs 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 13, 14, and
15 will remain activated for the ongoing response.


PHDMC Case Reports and Maps Situation Reports

PHDMC Case Report and Map – 20201102

The following case report and maps has been provided by the Department of Public Health for Dayton and Montgomery County and are current as of November 2, 2020.

