Dispatch Guidance and Information EMS Guidance and Information Guidelines Law Enforcement Guidance and Informatioin PPE for EMS PPE for Law Enforcement Protective Equipment

Bulletin 7A: Mask Use by Public Safety Personnel and Others

UPDATE:  COVID-19 Bulletin 7A Mask Use by Public Safety Personnel and Others Based on guidance from the CDC and others, public safety should implement the following: Anyone who is transported or even briefly placed in any public safety vehicle (cruisers, ambulances, etc.) will be given either a cloth face covering or a surgical mask and directed to […]

PPE for EMS PPE for Law Enforcement Protective Equipment Regional News

COVID-19 PPE Reimbursement Grant Opportunity

 Ohio EMS Announces 2020 COVID-19 PPE Reimbursement Grant Opportunity All Ohio EMS organizations and medical transportation agencies are encouraged to apply In response to COVID-19 the Ohio Department of Public Safety, Division of EMS announces the 2020 COVID-19 PPE reimbursement grant. The Division of EMS will award up to $425,000 to Ohio EMS and medical transportation […]

Other Information PPE for EMS PPE for Law Enforcement Protective Equipment Regional News

FDA Pulls Approval for Dozens of Mask Makers in China

Tests have shown many imported masks perform far short of N95 filtration standards

PPE for EMS PPE for Law Enforcement Protective Equipment

Battelle N95 Mask Decontamination

Battelle has expanded its partnership with Ohio to extend their sanitization services to law enforcement agencies and EMS providers in Ohio. This is at no cost to public safety agencies, and is retroactive if your agency previously signed an agreement with Battelle. Area agencies can drop off their masks at OSHP posts throughout the state, […]

Dispatch Guidance and Information EMS Guidance and Information Guidelines Law Enforcement Guidance and Informatioin PPE for EMS PPE for Law Enforcement Protective Equipment

Guidance on the use of Masks

Following updated recommendations from the CDC, the IAFF has released the following recommendations: Following new guidance announced by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommending that the public voluntarily wear non-medical basic cloth or fabric masks, the IAFF strongly recommends that members begin wearing surgical masks at the fire station and to consider […]

PPE for EMS PPE for Law Enforcement Protective Equipment

IAFC PPE Decon Recommendations

EMS Guidance and Information Guidelines Law Enforcement Guidance and Informatioin PPE for EMS PPE for Law Enforcement Protective Equipment

Guidance for Utilizing and Optimizing Personal Protective Equipment

April 1, 2020. Update from Health Alert released March 25, 2020 Summary and Action Items The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has provided guidance on “Strategies to Optimize the Supply of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Equipment”, including eye protection, isolation gowns, facemasks, N95 respirators, and ventilators. CDC has also provided guidance for […]

PPE for EMS PPE for Law Enforcement PPE Training Protective Equipment Training

Video: Conservation of PPE

Conservation of PPE by David Gerstner, from the press conference of Health Commissioner Jeff Cooper.

PPE for EMS PPE for Law Enforcement Protective Equipment

DIY Face Shields

PPE for EMS PPE for Law Enforcement PPE Training Protective Equipment Training

PPE Guidance Continuing Education

WPAFB Chief Jacob King presents PPE Guidance for EMS and Law Enforcement in conjunction with Wright State University’s Calamityville, the National Center for Medical Rediness. 0.5 CEUs are available by watching the video and successfully completing the post test. For continuing education credit, please complete the following information and video post test by visiting the […]