Research Committee (Community Paramedicine)

9/21/21 Meeting Minutes
10/19/21 Meeting Minutes
11/16/21 Meeting Minutes
1/18/22 Meeting Minutes
2/15/22 Meeting Minutes
3/15/22 Meeting Minutes
4/19/22 Meeting Minutes
5/17/22 Meeting Minutes
6/21/22 Meeting Minutes
7/19/22 Meeting Minutes

Guide to Optional Community EMS Programs
The Greater Miami Valley EMS Council (GMVEMSC) has created and published a series of Optional Community EMS Programs. These programs are sometimes called “Community Paramedicine” or “Mobile Integrated Healthcare (MIHC)”. This is another benefit offered by the GMVEMSC to its member agencies. Many of these programs have been previously utilized and shared by GMVEMSC member agencies, while others have been drafted based upon specific needs identified and addressed within GMVEMSC committees. Some programs require paramedic certification; others can be used by providers of various levels.

Download the Guide to Optional Community EMS Programs here

Prehospital Care Plan
One of the many challenges facing EMS agencies is frequent users of 911 services within our response districts. Some of these requests may be an inappropriate use of EMS. These frequent requests for EMS services place a strain on agency resources and may place the community at risk. One potential solution to this challenge is through the use of a Prehospital Care Plan (PHCP).

Download the Prehospital Care Plan (PHCP) draft policy here

Opioid Response Resources
One of the many challenges facing EMS agencies is the increasing number of calls being made because of opiate overdoses. One potential aid in combating these increasing calls is to consider the following standing order templates provided as a courtesy to interested agencies.

Optional Standing Order - Post Overdose Response Outreach Community EMS Program

An SOP template for agencies that wish to distribute OD Resource information

An SOP template for agencies that wish to dispense (furnish) naloxone to lay persons, plus two training programs (one for EMS, one for the lay public)

As noted in the dispensing Template, each EMS agency should contact the public health and mental health agencies in your county: Ask if those agencies can provide DAWN Kits or financial support to your agency for furnishing naloxone. Also, each county has a Project Dawn site that should be able to assist you with obtaining naloxone for you to dispense.

  • For Montgomery County agencies, Dayton MMRS serves as the Montgomery County EMS Central Naloxone Repository for ADAMHS. Agencies can receive naloxone by contacting Dayton MMRS at 937-333-5148. If your department is in another county but you are unable to obtain naloxone from agencies there, MCADAMHS has advised that Dayton MMRS can provide you with naloxone for dispensing to the public.