Mutual Aid Agreement

The Greater Miami Valley EMS Council (GMVEMSC) was approached by member agencies with concerns about mutual aid, including uncertainties about which agencies are signatories to the Greater Dayton Area Fire Departments’ Mutual Aid Agreement (GDAFDMAA); the fact that a number of agencies in the region are not in the agreement; and some uncertainties regarding what is covered by the agreement.

After discussions with numerous agencies, GMVEMSC agreed to:

  • Identify which agencies are not members in the agreement
  • Assist those agencies with the process of joining the agreement (should they choose to)
  • Maintain a copy of the mutual aid agreement on the GMVEMSC website
  • Maintain a current list of signatories to the agreement on the GMVEMSC website
  • Provide an educational program on the GDAFDMAA, available for download on the website

View the Greater Dayton Area Fire Department's Mutual Aid Agreement (GDAFDMAA)

View a current list of agencies participating in the GDAFDMAA

Mutual Aid Agreement PowerPoint Presentation